Pinares Panorama Suites & Spa

Grupo Pinares, in accordance with the principles of sustainable tourism, is committed to:

  • Reduce the environmental impact derived from our activity with actions aimed at reducing pollution, improving eco-efficiency and the responsible use of resources; and maximizing positive impacts.
  • Comply with current applicable regulations related to biodiversity preservation and historical cultural heritage, as well as health and safety.
  • Involve our collaborators in our commitment and their own development, training them and maintaining an environment of mutual respect and open communication.
  • Increase the effectiveness of our sustainable management system through continuous improvement.
  • Disseminate the commitment to sustainable hotel management to employees, customers and suppliers.
  • Disseminate regional culture among our visitors, through gastronomy and tourist information.

The “Greener Hotels” program is the result of the work of the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT). It is validated by the Argentine Institute of Standardization and Certification (IRAM), being this the main accredited body for the verification of compliance with the Greener Hotels Certification Standard, and has the recognition and sponsorship of the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation.It has been recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), placing it at the level of the most prestigious sustainable tourism certification programs in the world and both the program and all those Argentine hotels that have the certification in one of its levels are part of the GSTC board. The Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT) developed the ecolabel “Greener Hotels” for establishments that seek to be part of a sustainable growth of the hotel industry. 

There are 3 levels of Certification Bronze – Silver – Gold. In Grupo Pinares we currently have the GOLD certification, the maximum certification of greener hotels, thus joining a small and exclusive group of hotels in the Argentine Republic that have been awarded with this certification.

Action taking:

As part of our search for excellence and continuous improvement, we continue to bet on sustainable development. 

That we continue to grow and bet on the sustainable management. 

That an investment in renewable technologies was carried out from the moment of conception of the project, with the aim of minimizing the impact on the biodiversity of our environment. 

That our entire team carries out a daily work aware of the impacts of our actions and we are committed to compensate for the negative effects and continue to reinforce the positive actions.

That we are also committed to communicating this management to disseminate to any person / organization that works with us and promote sustainable development in the community.

 That we have international recognition by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), an organization that manages global standards for travel and sustainable tourism, thus being part of its international directory of members. Finally, we carry out exhaustive evaluations of our management and set medium and long-term objectives to maintain this level and continue to grow and innovate!

 We invite you to learn more about our sustainable management in the next lines!

Environmental management

Did you know that in Pinares Panorama we have solar panels that take advantage of solar energy? We have solar thermal collectors that use panels or mirrors to absorb and concentrate solar heat, which is then transferred through pipes to our pool, keeping it heated all year round.

Nothing is lost everything is transformed! We know the great impact that our waste has on the environment so in all our spaces you can find baskets identified for the separation of waste. In 2021, Grupo Pinares contributed environmentally with the recovered cardboard in an equivalent to: 16772 kW/h of unconsumed power 646920 liters of water saved 8386 kg of CO2 that were not emitted into the atmosphere 41 uncut trees.

We invite you to incorporate into your daily routine the separation of the waste you generate, every grain of sand adds up!

Nada se pierde todo se transforma!
Sabemos el gran impacto que tienen nuestros desechos en el medioambiente por eso en todos nuestros espacios podrás encontrar cestos identificados para la separación de residuos.
En el año 2021, Grupo Pinares contribuyó ambientalmente con el cartón recuperado en un equivalente a:

16772 kW/h de energía no consumida

646920 litros de agua ahorrados

8386 kg de CO2 que no se emitieron a la atmósfera

41 árboles no talados

Te invitamos a incoporar a tu rutina diaria la separación de los residuos que generas, cada granito de arena suma!

Did you know that each LED lamp consumes 10 times less than an incandescent lamp and lasts 15 times longer? In Grupo Pinares we understand the importance of energy saving and we want to invite you to participate in it! We change all our lighting for LED technology and have magnetic card switches in each room to reduce leaks and energy consumption at times when it is unoccupied.

Water care is increasingly important and together, with simple actions, we can make a real difference for the planet. Some actions we carry out in Pinares Panorama are:* We established rigorous control and maintenance procedures to avoid losses in our facilities* We have cleaning processes that through the appropriate dosage, optimize the use of water and specific cleaning products to ensure the correct disinfection of each surface and space* We use ecological double flush toilets, which consume only 6 liters against 40 used by traditional ones.

One of our strategic partners in the search for sustainable development and care for the environment is “Organyco Amenities de lujo” Its products, in addition to being of the highest quality, are 90% biodegradable and Paraben-Free, Free of formaldehyde and silicones, without added salt, GF and not tested on animals.

Corporate social responsibility

Grupo Pinares committed to Sustainable Development carries out different social actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the local community
In 2017 we donated beds and mattresses, furniture and bedding to the “Sierra Dorada Foundation of San Marcos Saw”.
In 2018 and 2019 we donated tables, chairs, clothes and beds to the Remar Córdoba Foundation (Link to the page or photos)
In 2020 we donated white clothes to the Gumersindo Sayago de Carlos Paz Municipal Hospital, Cáritas Tanti and Fundación Vida. We also donated 200 liters of mineral water to the Villa Carlos Paz Volunteer Fire Department during the serious fires suffered in our town and surroundings.
In 2021, 3 important donations of equipment and furniture were made to the Malagueño Fire Station and the Villa Carlos Paz Volunteer Fire Department.
In 2022, we plan to continue supporting these institutions that are of great importance in our community, through new donation actions and making our resources available.

Grupo Pinares collaborates with the Association of Tourism Hotels and the Children’s Hospital of Córdoba in the “Tapitas” campaign.

Each lid adds up!

We help to renew the hospital’s appliances by improving the assistance to all its small patients.

From Grupo Pinares we maintain a strong commitment to the implementation of our Sustainability Policy and we understand the importance of promoting and accompanying the development of the community in which we carry out our activities. Some of the entities with which we maintain a close link and in which we actively participate are:* Cordoba Convention and Visitors Bureau* Hotel and Tourism Association (AHT)* Association of Professional Tourist Guides of Villa Carlos Paz Together with them we carry out different activities of promotion and development of Villa Carlos Paz as a tourist destination and making our facilities available for various activities and events such as AHT Courses and Trainings and Training Day Event Venue. In addition, we are currently working with the Municipality of Carlos Paz to position the image of our destination as a venue for events at the provincial and national level.

In Grupo Pinares we consider fundamental the development of the artistic expressions of the local community. From our place, we manifest ourselves by providing a space of expression and support, since we understand art as a tool to interpret and discuss the context where we live. Currently, we have in Pinares del Cerro in permanent exhibition the paintings of the Cordoban artist Pablo Moyano Smith that represent different strategic points of our city with an innovative and modern aesthetic. While in Pinares Panorama we have a series of paintings by the Cordoban photographer Matias Planas, which are part of a work carried out exclusively for our hotel called “Identical Serrana” with enlarged photographs of rivers in our mountains. Recently, we incorporated works by the renowned artist Martha Chiarlo, which represent different scenes of rivers and mountains of the Province of Córdoba.

Pinares Human Talent

Our Human Talent is one of our greatest strengths, which is why we attach great importance to their preparation and constant professionalization. Through our strategic partners and expert advisors, we have an extensive Training Plan that includes:

  • Hygiene and Safety
  • First aid
  • Work procedures and energy care.
  • Quality of service and Guest service
  • Languages

Sustainable development involves the implementation of a series of procedures aimed at optimizing resources, reducing the negative impact and maximizing the positive impact on our natural and cultural environment. In Grupo Pinares we established specific procedures specially designed to improve our operability and reduce our ecological footprint. We also constantly work to update and comply with current provisions and regulations, betting on the certifications of official national and international entities.

Sustainable growth

With a privileged location, from our Cerro del Ensueño we have one of the best views of Carlos Paz. As part of our Greener Hotels Gold Project, we are committed to caring for our environment and valuing the flora and fauna that surrounds us.
We invite you to visit our exclusive Naturalia Micro-reserve

Environmental Awareness and Sensitization

Through our Recreation activities we create fun ways to learn to take care of our environment day by day. We bring young and old workshops on recycling and reuse of materials, outdoor activities with access to our Naturalia Micro-reserve to appreciate nature, planting aromatic species in our mini-garden and much more.

You can find information about our actions in our rooms, Reception, Spa, and Restaurant. We have baskets identified for waste separation indoors and outdoors, as well as in all rooms we give you some recommendations for water care, waste disposal, care of electrical energy, among others. We also have at our disposal all our certifications and our Sustainable Management Manual

As part of the commitment of the Pinares Group, composed of Pinares Panorama Suites, Spa & Convention Center and Pinares del Cerro Hotel to control their environmental impacts and contribute to the reduction of climate change; we carry out a measurement of our Carbon Footprint.

We invite you to be an active part of our Compensation Plan, participating in our activities of recycling, organic garden, waste separation and know our Naturalia Micro reserve where we incorporate 100 specimens of the native forest of the Chaco Serrano region.

You can also get to know our new composting station with Californian worms and learn about its process and the enormous benefits it has for the environment.

Climate change is a real problem, but with Grupo Pinares you can be part of the solution!

Sustainable Memory

Política de Sustentabilidad

Grupo Pinares, en concordancia con los principios de turismo sustentable, se compromete a:

  • Reducir los impactos ambientales derivados de nuestra actividad, aplicando acciones orientadas a disminuir la contaminación, mejorar la ecoeficiencia y el uso responsable de los recursos; y maximizar los impactos positivos.
  • Cumplir las normas vigentes aplicables relacionadas a la preservación de la biodiversidad y el patrimonio histórico cultural, así como sanitarias y de seguridad. 
  • Hacer partícipes a nuestros colaboradores de nuestro compromiso y de su propio desarrollo, capacitándolos y manteniendo un ambiente de respeto mutuo y comunicación abierta.
  • Incrementar la eficacia de nuestro sistema de gestión sustentable mediante la mejora continua.
  • Diseminar el compromiso de la gestión sustentable del hotel hacia los colaboradores, clientes y proveedores.
  • Difundir entre nuestros visitantes la cultura regional, a través de la gastronomía y la información turística.